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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My heart

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone  

Have you ever felt like your heart would literally explode out of your chest?  I have and do regularly.  It's pure love.   It still amazes me daily.  This is my sweet, amazing son.  Look at his eyes.  He melts me.  He is growing up.  SIGH....  

He was my helper last night. We had a family pizza picnic at the the beach and watched the sunset.  I needed to take pictures for my first "beautiful portrait" Week 1 assignment in a photography course that I am taking.  He was totally willing to be my "subject".  I think he is the most gorgeous client I have ever photographed....just sayin'.  I could be biased.  But, I wanted to capture not just his superficial, physical beauty but his inside beauty.  I wanted to show what I see when I look at him....... a gentle boy who has a heart of gold, who is a pleaser, who is super-smart, who adores his younger brother, who has a contagious belly laugh that makes him fall on the floor in hysterics and makes the whole room laugh with him,  who is so empathetic and even cries when I cry, who loves to read books, who, on Thanksgiving, told me that he was grateful for a family who loves him..., who, every night as I'm leaving his room, yells "I love you more than anything, Mommy", who loves to dance and sing, who loves baseball, who loves running FAST, who loves nature shows like Planet Earth, who just announced his new favorite animal is a giant Pacific octopus, who wants to be a scientist like his parents but also a "marine policeman" to save the oceans....  A photo can't show all these things....but I hope that I at least managed to show just a glimmer of his beauty as I see it.  There he is - my heart - slowly walking farther and farther away outside my body every day.......